2020 Prophecy by Apostle Paul Okikijesu – Part 4


Received on Saturday, December 28th, 2019


Isaiah 61: 1-3; Ezekiel 3: 17-21; Revelation 22:11-16





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“The Spirit of the Lord God is upon Me, because the Lord has anointed Me to preach good tidings to the poor; He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to those who are bound….. Isaiah 61: 1-3




Thus says the Lord God of hosts says: My kingdom is truthful; I am not human that I will deceive. The world and the heaven will pass away, but not an iota of My word will go unfulfilled. I am God of the Spirit of the Hebrews, which is the God of your forefathers. I am not human, I am the Lord, and Jehovah is My name. I enthrone, says the Lord of hosts. I pass through the vicinity and the surrounding places.


Thus says the Lord: I look up and down, My messenger, I am the Lord that cannot be delayed; which is the God of your ancestors. I am God of Abraham and the God of Isaac. I pass through this area. If I consider the conducts of people and the secret sins of people, nobody is worthy to receive anything from Me. However, I will not consider such things before I will work. It is My covenant that I always consider, and the covenant which I had with this My ambassador is the one which I will not handle with levity.


Thus says the Lord: If I consider the conducts of the people in the church or the people in the vicinity, nothing will happen, but because I have said let the seed and the tares grow together; during the harvest, we will separate the seed from the tares. The day is coming that the tares will be destroyed.


Thus says the Lord: Son of man, My kingdom is truthful and I enthrone on My majestic throne presently. I look to the top and down, and I am concern the second time. What is My concern, son of man, it is the conducts of people according to this song “When Jesus comes to give us reward, whether it is afternoon or night, will He meet us to be watching truthfully with our lamps burning, so that it can be said that we are ready for our heavenly home, will He meet us using honesty to watch for the coming of Our Lord?”


Thus says the Lord of hosts: Son of man, I really pity, the reason is that will I meet Christianity faith in the world again? This is a very great question for anybody that is walking in the land of the living, who is breathing and eating. Will Satan not use the four steps which I mentioned yesterday to overcome people? Satan has various steps, and the first step is morsel/food, the second step is covetousness, the third step is riches/wealth, because he believes that people desire to be rich or wealthy. The forth step is that people are not content. Do you see that Satan will utilize these keys?


Christians have abandoned the Holy Spirit:


Thus says the Lord: The person that was given one talent who did not use it, then the deceitfulness of Satan will collect it from the person. Various mysterious events are happening in the world that is making people to throw away their Bibles. The people who held on to their Bibles are few, because many of those who lost their Bibles did not honor the power of Holy Spirit anymore, and they have changed the statutes of the Holy Spirit from the Bible. This is what does not encourage people to seek the spiritual eye of the Holy Spirit anymore. Behold, I really pity the world, because the question that I am asking is that, if I the Lord returns, will I meet Christianity faith in the world?


The mega churches:


Thus says the Lord: I really pity that, I called many, but I will only choose few. I have said it yesterday that many of the big churches have various children of the marine kingdom, and they are the majority of the parishioners. The sheep in the marine kingdom, and the demons of the wilderness, and the children of the granite formations, and the dead are the ones that mingle with the real people of those churches that people are observing as mega churches with multitude of people.


Thus says the Lord of hosts: What these contrary beings are doing is that they will work for a limited period of time to elevate or make famous the name of the person that send them on the errand, then, they will seize control of the church to cause sorrow/weeping for such person. Son of man, Satan has taken their crowns, and many people are losing their callings because they have ignored the kingdom of God due to their aspirations. I really pity them, My messenger, I cry aloud to the four corners of the world, for these people to change and turn to Me. Since I the Lord does not want the death of sinners, but for them to repent.


Messages have been sent to the famous pastors:


Thus says the Lord: I have sent messages to these big pastors, but they are adamant. They thought that was how God usually send messages without following it up; however, I used the case of Reinhard Bonnke as an example. I also used the cases of many people as examples which I am using as various parables for the people in the world. The purpose of My parable is that I have power over the world and I have power over your souls. Is there anyone born of a woman that has power over his/her soul? Whenever I the Lord likes, I can take the soul of a person away. Behold, I used the covenant and a key which is death to reign as a King over mankind. Which means, I used the Lamb as propitiation for the salvation of the souls of people in the world because sin and abomination, and idolatry, and bloodshed, and other vices are abound in the world which is making people to be looking/seeking what is not lost.


Thus says the Lord of hosts: Son of man, will I meet Christianity faith in the world when I return? You people in the world, are you still on the path of My kingdom? Do you seek My kingdom? Do you preach My word? When was the last time that you have preached about My word? When was the last time that you have spoken to people about salvation and the Glorious Home? When was the last time that you have time for Me? What is paramount to people are wealth, aspiration, what they will eat and drink; they have forgotten that in a day everything will come to an end. Whatever that human gathers in this world will come to an end one day. People have forgotten that when one amasses wealth for himself/herself, when the time comes, when I the Lord observe in My power that human has turned himself/herself to a powerful being and a god, then I will utilize one thing which is a terror/gift which is death. When one dies, such person will not have the benefit to enjoy such things again, because of this, I want everyone to change and turn to Me during

this period.


Messages to the Nations of the world


Thus says the Lord: Send these messages quickly to the world. The return of I the Lord is at hand, so tell people to seek Me. The message is from the Book of Romans Chapter 6 verse 8 to 9. Behold My messenger, tell all the Nations to change, and permit I the Christ to reign in their hearts. Inform them to seek and find the fear of I the Lord. Inform them to permit the fear of I the Lord in their lives, because there is nothing that they can take out of this world. For this reason, they should permit I the Christ in their governments, then My glory will surpass that of the past, says the Lord of hosts.


Judgment will come upon the country that shed innocent blood:


Thus says the Lord: Tell them, any country that shed the blood of the innocent in Year 2020. Write down this hour My messenger, the judgment of the Lord will descend from heaven and pass through such country, says the Lord of hosts.


The priests/pastors throughout the world


Thus says the Lord of hosts: Tell all priests/pastors everywhere including all the great pastors in Nigeria. Behold My messenger, whoever that is in flesh cannot please I the Lord, because the thoughts of flesh will not respect the Spirit. The Book of Romans Chapter 12, verses 1 to 9; so I want the positive change of their hearts. The Book of Ephesians Chapter 6, verses 9 to 12; send these passages to My priests/pastors. Inform them that I send these messages to them, because I love them in truth.


Pope Francis:


Thus says the Lord of hosts: Tell the Pope, that is it what I told him that he is doing or he is using his wisdom? Is it what I told him in dreams, in reality, and through the pastors/prophets that I sent to him that he is doing? Tell him to seek and find My fear during this period so that the judgment of I the Lord will not come upon him.


Thus says the Lord: He must take steps so that Christianity will not become inessential in the world. Tell him that every secret thing and contrary things that were brought to him must be cancelled. If he partakes in anything that can hurt/harm Christianity, then I the Lord will pronounce full judgment not only on him, but upon all those who conspired and united in one accord to hurt Christianity, and My judgment will certainly come upon them.


Thus says the Lord: Inform him to plant the tree of fear in the hearts of all the people in position of authority that surrounds him. He should plant the tree of fear among the countries that surrounds him, and they should clearly understand the instructions of I the Lord. He should not permit those who are peddling deceit to collect the Logo of the things of the Lamb from him, and place that of Lucifer before the people.


Thus says the Lord of hosts: Tell Pope Francis that I want positive change of his heart, and the hearts of the people who surrounds him. He should search and find I the Lord in his heart, and he should honor Me more than everything: because, in truth, I install him in that position, and there was a reason why I installed him there, however, he should not forget how he received it, and how it was released to him, so that no one will take his glorious crown, says the Lord of hosts.


Thus says the Lord: Tell him that he should not listen to what people are saying to cause his downfall during this period. He should wake up from his spiritual slumber immediately. He should remember, and return to his first love. However, he must abstain from the love or desire which people placed before him. I the Lord want to perform a meaningful work because any king that there is peace and tranquility during his reign, history will not forget him, and likewise any king that there is chaos and turmoil during his reign history will judge him.


Thus says the Lord: Inform him to seek and find the wisdom of I the Lord during this period, because I the Lord wants to perform powerful work in his life.


Tour of the important Biblical Cities:


Thus says the Lord of hosts: I departed from Britain and I am presently sitting on a big chair in an eternal church where Paul apostle performed many miracles and the name of the City is Philadelphia. I moved from this City to Macedonia. I am presently touring these Cities with My angels. My messenger, I am in a City called Laodicea. I am presently touring all these Cities. My messenger, then I proceeds to Rome where I am presently performing My powerful work. This moment I proceed to a City called Corinth.


Queen Elizabeth of England:


Thus says the Lord: This is the third time that I will send messages to Elizabeth. I send these messages to her that her body needs care. Tell her that I the Lord said this particular hour she should make I the Lord her bosom friend. She should make I the Lord her Alpha and Omega more than in the past, says the Lord. Tell her to turn to Me and plant the tree of My fear in her heart. Inform her to honor I the Lord, because I knew that she has an infirmity, but the hand of I the Lord will pass through this infirmity and send away that covenant from her body.


Thus says the Lord of hosts: Inform her concerning her first born, the hand of I the Lord is presently working. She should instruct him to ask for the wisdom of I the Lord and plant the tree of the fear of I the Lord in his heart. She should ask that I the Lord will make her to realize her resolution concerning her children, and destroy evil covenant in her life so that the glory of her son will radiate in Britain.


Thus says the Lord: Tell Queen Elizabeth not to handle year 2020 with frivolity because certain people are seeking the downfall of her son in manners that can make her to weep. Ask her to pray fervently.


Messages concerning Prince Charles of Wales:


Thus says the Lord: I send message to someone whose name is Prince Charles. Inform Charles that this is the second time that I send this message to him. I am the Lord God of hosts that is the God of his father. This is the third message that I will send to Prince Charles of Britain.


Thus says the Lord of hosts: Tell Charles to hear My message, what I want is the positive change and repentance of the government which surrounds him. He passed through certain things like a spiritual storm between February and August 2019, however he received gracious mercy which made him to survive the storm. Inform him that I am ready to inspect/visit his government; tell him that I the Lord want My fear in his life, and for him to elevate I the Lord more than anything in the world. Inform him to honor Me more than everything. I am the One who elected the generation of his forefathers as My beloved. Tell Charles that he should not apply his own wisdom to operate/run the government; instead he should seek the wisdom of I the Lord, and the pastors/prophets who are filled with the Holy Spirit to work with his government.


Thus says the Lord: Behold, those that are seeking the downfall of his government will be punished by I the Lord. I will heal his spiritual mark/wound which is presently his heartache. I will elevate the economy of Wales in Year 2020. if they are obedient and turn to Me, says the Lord. If they can abstain from the bloodshed which I the Lord sees and it displeases Me, then their economy will improve.


Message concern Angola


Thus says the Lord: Inform the people of Angola to change, and turn to I the Lord, and abstain from bloodshed. The cry of the beloved and the people is coming into the presence of I the Almighty God.


Message concerning Election in Cote d’Ivoire


Thus says the Lord: Do not forget to deliver the message that I sent you yesterday. The Election that can result in bloodshed which will cause widespread weeping in Ivory Coast; cry out concerning this issues.


Messages concerning Nigeria


The covenant made with Year 2020:


Thus says the Lord: They have made covenant with Year 2020, and people should wake up from their slumber, and raise up prayers for the nation concerning the looming crisis.


Thus says the Lord: Thus says the Lord: Year 2020 is a year of glorification, a year of testimony and happiness, but the panic events and the looming crisis are what must be stopped. Once they are stopped, then it is joy for the children of God in Year 2020, because they will have a joyful laughter in Year 2020.


Thus says the Lord: Those who are afflicting people will be punished, unless they change. Tell them to change and turn to Me, for them to permit the Blood of the Lamb which was shed for the remission of sins, which is Jesus Christ the Savior of the world is their lives.


Thus says the Lord of hosts: Year 2020 is very powerful. It is very powerful, so cry out and raise up voices of prayer. If there are many cries in heaven, I may answer their prayers.


Thus says the Lord of hosts: I really pity, so pray fervently for Nigeria. I cry out for the second time. Do not listen to the deceitful prophecy of the people. Do not allow people to say Year 2020 is a prosperous year. Though, it is partly true, but just as there is good in Year 2020, so also is evil in this year.


Thus says the Lord: Year 2020 is the year that I the Lord will snatch the beloved from forceful punishment. Those that walk with a pure mind in My light, and speaks the truth, I the Lord God Almighty will promote them concerning the war that is being waged against them for their obedience to My Word. Some of them are in the prison crying, some are detained in jail, while some are presently being executed for crime/offense that they are innocent. Various events are happening so tell people to raise up their voices in prayer.


Thus says the Lord: I do not want bloodshed; I do not want the death of people, what I want is the existence of people. I love those who love Me. My messenger, the mercy of I the Lord will come over Nigeria, because I do not want the death of sinners but for sinners to repent. Nigeria is a country that attracts the jealous of other nations, and many countries are respecting her. She is like a country that people are fetching water from her, and she does not dry up. It is time for Nigeria to wake up, so that saboteurs will not destroy her. Nigeria should copy America that protected her borders. Nigeria should protect her borders with other countries, by building walls at the borders, so that Nigeria will neither be duped nor ruined.


Scarcity of certain items:


Thus says the Lord: Son of man, I have told you that Year 2020 is very powerful and certain items or commodities will be very scarce. Things that people take for granted will be very scarce.


President Buhari:


Thus says the Lord: Buhari should not discard the advice of the ex-presidents, the ex-governors, the ex-party leaders, the ex-ministers and the ex-senators. He needs their advice because their wisdom is needed in Nigeria so that a powerful country will not be trivialized or become a commoner; also for Nigeria not to become an insignificant country among the Nations of the world.


The people in position of authority:


Thus says the Lord of hosts. Tell the people in positions of authority that Nigeria needs care or supervision. Inform the people of the media outlets, including the people on social media. Let them know that Nigeria needs prayer in Year 2020 and it is not a small issue, because it is a year of civil rights and tribalism. Food will be surplus, but certain things which people take for granted will be scarce. The third important thing is that, it is a year of revolution. My messenger, pray for Nigeria so that I can destroy the determination of the hosts of hell concerning her. I love this country very much and I do not want bloodshed. Though bloodshed is very rampant in Nigeria, but the petitions of people and their cries are coming into the presence of I the Almighty God.



Empowerment of the Arms of Government:


Thus says the Lord: I have directed you to send this message, for them to empower the judicial arm of the government. They should give the law enforcement agencies free hand to operate without hindrance.


Thus says the Lord: Those who are embezzling and mismanaging the funds of the nation, together with those who shed the blood of the innocent should be held accountable. They should also give the executive arm of the government the power to work without interruption.


King Adedotun Aremu Gbadebo III (Alake of Egbaland):


Thus says the Lord: I send messages to these eleven kings. I am presently in a city called Egbado; I stand at a point which connects Egbado and Egba together. I stand at the top, and I looked at the man called Alake.


Thus says the Lord: Inform this man, thus says the Lord: I want the fear of I the Lord in his life during this period and I want a new step. He should not listen to rootless gifts; instead, he should seek and find My fear. He should cry out to the administration under his control, the junior kings under his control that I want the fear of I the Lord in their hearts. They should permit I the Lord to reign in Egbado, Yewa, and other communities. I want to walk like a God.


Thus says the Lord of hosts: Warn this king; tell him to beware; tell him to be careful during this period says the Lord of hosts. Behold, member of ones household can betray anyone, so he should not divulge his secrets to anyone during this period. He should not listen to the generation who wants to use money to collect power/authority from him in order to put the people of his domain in bondage instead, tell him to find time for Me.


Thus says the Lord: Behold, I the Lord of hosts who has the powerful key on the soul of humans. I am ready to pass through the source of his life concerning what is the sigh of his heart, and resolve the thing that is causing heartache for him regarding his family/household, which is within himself, his wife and his children. I the Lord of hosts is saying that, I want his positive change of heart and he should elevate I the Lord more than idols; he should honor Me more than anything. It is then that his reign/regime will be meaningful and last forever; and his children will have good inheritance throughout the world. I want a change of heart within all the kings under his control including all the chiefs, because the eye of I the Lord is bitter towards sin and I look away from things of bloodshed. He should plant the tree of fear of I the Lord presently, says the Lord of hosts. The tree of the fear of I the Lord should surround the palace of Alake of Egbaland during this period, says the Lord of hosts.


Thus says the Lord of hosts: I the Lord, I am ready to elevate the glory of this town/city when these people honor this calling and I the Christ who sits on the circle of the earth. Son of man, I now depart from Egbaland, I am presently at a town called Ife.


King Adeyeye Enitan Ogunwusi (Ooni of Ife)


Thus says the Lord of hosts: I am the Lord of hosts who appointed him to that position. Tell this man, I am waiting for the fear of I the Lord in full from him. He should create the opportunity whereby he will honor and elevate I the Lord more than the idols. He should not turn a deaf ear to My messages, but he should apply wisdom to run his administration. The reason is that if he listens to the messages of I the Lord and take meaningful steps, and rely on My pastors, if he have My pastors as the people who are directing his life, like what the Biblical king of Syria did, including kings like David, Saul, Solomon and some others. They did not utilized their wisdom, but instead they honored I the Lord.


Thus says the Lord: He should look for the people that are filled with the Holy Spirit and power, and not the fake ones. Those who can assist the journey of this man by igniting and shining the light throughout the Land of Ife at every location of the world, so as to take Ife to Rehoboth which is the place of rest. What some kings started but which they could not finish, so that his regime will be successful by achieving it. For his government to be successful, he needs the wisdom of I the Lord, he needs My understanding, he needs the Word of I the Lord and he needs prophecy (Thus says the Lord).


Thus says the Lord: He should find time to praise Me; he should increase the tempo of praising Me. Behold, there is nothing that is happening secretly or publicly that the eye of I the Lord does not see. During this period, I want to pass through his household, I want to make his life to be whole, and I want to turn his reproach to glory. Behold, can the terrestrial beings have power over I the Lord? He should apply wisdom to run his government; he should apply wisdom to all his activities.


Thus says the Lord: The word of I the Lord in his mouth is very important; he should give opportunity to the government of I the Lord in his life and he should not handle Christianity with levity in his administration. He must not handle Christianity with frivolity anymore; instead, he should handle it with utmost importance. This is what will make his glory to shine throughout the world. What some people did for years, but they did not succeed, he can do it with a brief period of time and succeed.


Thus says the Lord: I send this message to him book/letter/petition that is being raised against him every time. Tell him to seek the pastors/prophets that I the Lord is speaking meaningful things through them to the world to be his bosom friends, so as to direct his life. He should not handle this issue with levity. If he listens and acts according to these messages, his tenure will be meaningful and he will live long. He should not turn a dear ear to these messages. I am the Lord of hosts and Jehovah is My name.


Thus says the Lord: Inform this man to beware, and make sure he does not allow people to pressurize him and influence him in a negative way to be against I the Almighty God, Who owns lives and the existences of all the living things. He should believe that I am the One who owns government in this world. I am the One who installs kings; I am the one who dethrones kings and I am the Lord God of hosts who takes the prostration of all kings in this world; I the King of kings. He should not allow people to pressurize him and his government. He should honor I the Lord more than anything, he should honor the throne of I the Lord in his journey during this period. He should have five days that he will be praising Me, he should be using these days to praise I the Lord in his journey and this is what will make his reign to last. He should also seek the peace of his domain, and the people who surround him who needs his assistance. It is not power or might that installed him as king, but it is the desire of I the Lord to install him in that position. It was not what he has previously planned, but this grace came suddenly.


Thus says the Lord: Tell Ooni of Ife that, what he received was gracious mercy from the Lord because there are many people who are equally qualify for the crown, but I the Lord did not give them the crown. I have seen him as a youngster before I crown him. Inform him not to handle the issue of Christianity with levity. I will use him to rectify many things that were ruined for as many as thirty years ago. So, he should write this period down. His case will be similar to that of King Solomon that made many rectifications in his governance and people honored him during his lifetime, despite the fact that he was a youngster. Behold the number of kings who honored Solomon.


Thus says the Lord: Tell this man to seek and find the wisdom of I the Lord. I want to promote him, I want to turn him to glory, but he must not allow anyone to pressurize his government to do wrong things. He should beware among those who surround his government during this period. Behold, no matter how powerful a person may be, he should remember that certain people knows the secret of that person’s power, with the exception of the people that I the Lord equip with My power. He should seek the eye of the power of I the Lord, and if he wants to see the eye of My power, he must allow I the Lord Christ to reign in his heart. It is then that great power can come from heaven. He should make the pastors and the prophets that I am using for the end-time to be his bosom friends, and not the gluttons who are prophesying when they are not sent. It is then that the reign of this man will lasts. He should remember that it is not everybody that wanted him to be crowned, and not all the people are happy that he was crowned. Some people are happy and they laughed, while some are showing attitude, while some are against his coronation.


Thus says the Lord: If he is filled with the wisdom of I the Lord and walk humbly, if he does not look at his position as a king, I the Lord will shine out his light among the kings who have reigned in Ife. Within the period of his reign, his name will never be forgotten. People will see good things/legacy to write about Adeyeye’s family. Send this message to this man that I will now heal his heartache. The heartache that is making him to be worried which prompts people to deliver messages or prophesy when they were not sent. The wound on him and his wife will be healed and I will cure him concerning his heart desire.


Omo N’Oba N’Edo Uku’ Akpolokpolo Ewuare 11 of  Benin:


Thus says the Lord of hosts: Tell this king that truthfully people always desire wealth, power, position and honor, but everything will end in one day. I love this man very much, but he should remember that it is God who installs anyone in position and not power. Warn him not to honor idols/deities more than I the Lord; he should permit Christianity in full in his governance. He should not handle Christianity with levity, he should remember the king which preceded him; what work did he performed and what progress was made on such job/work. He should remember that money is apart, power is apart, but it is the grace of I the Lord that neither dry nor fail.


Thus says the Lord: He needs the grace and the wisdom of I the Lord which can make his reign to last very much.


Beware of outing between January and February 2020:


Thus says the Lord: Warn this man to be careful for outings between January and February 2020. Inform him to be vigilant because it is not all the people that he gathered that are happy about his reign. Some people are planning and scheming for his downfall. He should be cautious concerning what he will drink; he should be careful abut attending occasions and he should be vigilant about outings in all his journey because at times power can disappoint any person/anyone; whatever power he might have, tell him to seek My authority, inform him to honor I the Lord more than anything in the world. Tell him to rely on the spiritual people (the genuine prophets) because it is when he has taken these steps that his reign will last. He will be happy and his fame will be pronounced among the kings that have reigned in Benin. His name will be meaningful, but tell him that if a person walks, he needs to be aware; if a person sits he needs to beware.


Thus says the Lord: There is a king in the Bible name Nebuchadnezzar. He was wealthy and powerful, but the people who surrounded him did not give him the opportunity to honor Me. One day he examined that he was great, then he observed his wealth which made him to ignore I the Lord. There is no way I the Lord cannot use to deal with anyone because all the might and power are in the hand of I the Lord. Inform this man that a great glory will come from heaven and this glory will assist his life. He should not allow his position to get into his head, instead, he should honor I the Lord more than anything. Relate to him that I the Lord says, honoring Me is more important than anything.


Omo N’Oba Ewuare II beware of bloodshed:


Thus says the Lord of hosts: Tell him to honor I the Lord. I the Lord says, honoring is very important in his journey more than anything. I love his reign, but bloodshed is what I am against. I hate bloodshed at this time and period. He should not listen to those who are asking for the bloods of humans. He should add power and wisdom to his journey. I the Lord will elevate his glory and I will be with him.


King Rilwan Babatunde Osuolale Aremu Akiolu  (Oba of Lagos)


Thus says the Lord of hosts: Tell this king that truthfully many kings have reigned in Lagos, but I want the fear of I the Lord in the heart and the journey of this king, because My hand will lift up his government if he permits the fear of I the Lord to be in his heart. He should also find time to seek the power of the Holy Spirit and the wisdom of I the Lord in his journey because I want to magnify his glory. He should permit My fear in his administration and he must not listen to the words of the people, particularly those who intend to scatter his government. He should remember that advice can make one to stumble or fall.


Thus says the Lord: He should use the pastor/prophets that I the Lord established for salvation of the end-time as the bosom friend of his administration. They are the people that will be guiding him concerning his outings and journeys. Son of man needs their advice because some people are presently planning his downfall. They are seeking the downfall of this man, so let this king apply wisdom in all his ways. He should use the wisdom of I the Lord; it is then that I will elevate his glory more than the expectation of humans.


Thus says the Lord: He must remember that Lagos is a powerful City and the City that is well respected. People love Lagos very much and people are honoring Lagos. If people respect Lagos, then it is the king that they respect; if Lagos is stigmatized, it is the king that is stigmatized; if Lagos is given glory, it is the king that receives the glory. He should leave the chance to have time to praise I the Lord in all is journeys.


Thus says the Lord: Certain spiritual storms have plagued his journey in the past; it is the mercy of I the Lord that rescued him in his journey. I the Lord wants to visit his household and I want to implant treasure in the life of this man. I want to meet the journey of this king says the Lord of hosts. I will put glory upon glory and good thing will be associated with the name of this man; because I the Lord will heal his heartache. I will not leave the chance for the desires of his enemies to materialize in his life. Since I have said honor the people in authority, so the people that are pursuing the downfall of this man will know that I the Lord is in his life. He should elevate I the Lord more than anything in the world and honor I the Lord more than anything in this world, he should elevate I the Lord more than the wisdom of humans in the world, because I the Lord will always work and My power will always utter speech. I do not change says the Lord.


King Lamidi Olayiwola Adeyemi III (Alafin of Oyo)


Thus says the Lord of hosts: I am presently in a city called Oyo. I stand at a mountain in Oyo; I look to the right and left, then observe the greatness of the power which I used to establish the government of Oyo. Behold, son of man, I have said this message before, have you forgotten one great day that I sent you to Alafin?


Thus says the Lord: Tell this messenger, for this king not to take the step that people are pressurizing him to forcefully take, which is neither honorable nor benefits him or the community/town. He should not listen to the advice of people anymore; instead he should seek the wisdom of I the Lord and add it to his wisdom. Inform him to honor I the Lord, because I the Lord wants to elevate his glory. Tell him to permit the religion of I the Lord to reign in Oyo. I want to radiate the light of this king more than in the past. Behold I like the government of Oyo and that is what preserves his life to still be on the throne. All the kings that have passed away that are not in a living position anymore, he should remember that sometime ago, he was sick but still my grace upholds him.


Thus says the Lord of hosts: He should make My pastors/prophets his bosom friends. This is what will make the government of Oyo kingdom to thrive; the economy of Oyo will also thrive. I will heal his heartache and I will pass through his governance, because I like the government that I install in place who follow the statutes that I gave them. He should not listen to people, because certain people are making efforts and they have been on this plot since a long period to ruin his government.


King Lamidi should be careful in January 2020: 


Thus says the Lord of hosts: Tell this king to beware and be careful in January 2020, in his outings and home comings. He should use the wisdom of I the Lord and he must not rely on people. Tell him not to depend on humans again, and rely solely on I the Lord, because at times what human does, can cause his downfall.


Thus says the Lord: I the Lord candidly likes his government but he should honor I the Lord more than anything during this period because I the Lord of hosts is the One who send this message to him that, he should seek My wisdom, so that he will be successful. Inasmuch as the kings mentioned in the Bible are successful because they seek My wisdom, which was the reason that they succeeded. So, it is important that he should seek the wisdom of I the Lord, and make my pastors/prophets his bosom friends, those that I the Lord is utilizing, that people can testify that whatever they say will come to pass and not the gluttons; he should rely on them and make them his advisors. It is because of the glory of the children of Alafin, so that I the Lord will shine out the light of their glories more than the expectation of Alafin.


King Sikiru Kayode Adetona the Awujale of the Ijebu Kingdom


Thus says the Lord of hosts: I am presently at a location called Ijebu. I am presently with one king called Adetona. He should not forget that I have previously sent messages to him. He is a king who talks frankly and does not collect bribe. Tell him to raise up I the Lord more than anything and add the wisdom of I the Lord to his wisdom. He should honor I the Lord more than anything in the world. I the Lord is ready to support his government.


Thus says the Lord: He should plant the tree of My fear in the hearts of the kings that are under his control, more than anything in the world. Tell King Adetona that I the Lord of hosts want him to make My pastors/prophets his bosom friends. Those who are doing My will, those who are filled with the wisdom of I the Lord. Behold, Satan is planning to ruin his government, through some people who are demanding for king by force and those who want positions by force, so that I will disgrace these people.


King Sikiru Adetona should be cautious in February 2020: 


Thus says the Lord: February 2020 is important for King Adetona to pray fervently, he should be careful about outings and beware of the advice of people. He should not allow anyone to deceive his government or pressurize him in doing anything.


Thus says the Lord: A great joy is coming for King Adetona, if he puts the fear of I the Lord in his heart and makes I the Lord his bosom friend; then the secrets of those who are planning against him will be exposed publicly and I the Lord will put them to shame openly. I will give him longevity and the storm that he has passed through, he should thank I the Lord for sparing his life, because it is mercy that he has received from Me, even concerning his children and wife. The darkness did not handle this issue with levity, however somebody that one loves can cause the person to stumble/fall.


Thus says the Lord: Tell this king that I want My fear in his life.


King Saliu Adetunji (Olubadan of Ibadan)


Thus says the Lord: I stand at a location called Ibadan. Tell the Olubadan that I the Lord God of hosts I want honoring My name more than anything. I want him to elevate the name of I the Lord more than anything. I want him to lift the name of I the Lord above everything in the world, and for him to honor I the Lord. He should plant the tree of Christianity in his domain, including the lives of his descendants. I am ready to examine his life concerning those who are presently observing his government to fall and those who say his government is not worthy. Tell this king, I the Lord have set up glory to pass through the source of his life. I will heal his wounds and marks, but he should honor Me more than anything, so that he will be entrenched without delay.


Thus says the Lord: I the Lord will use the greatness of My power to resolve his issues, and glory will descend. He should hear, because the set up or the establishment of Ibadan is such that is powerful and full of wisdom. Tell him that though the set up of Ibadan has wisdom, but I am the One who install the people in positions and not their might or power. Let them know that it is the power of I the Lord God Almighty who is Christ that install them in those positions, and not the power of anyone.


Oba Jimoh Oladunni Oyewumi, Ajagungbade III Soun of Ogbomosho


Thus says the Lord of hosts: Son of man, tell Soun that I send this message to him. I am the Lord God of hosts; My name is Elevation in the world. Inform him to lift up I the Lord more than anything in the world. Tell him to honor Me more than in the past. It is not the power of human that install him in that position. Tell him to talk to the kings that are under his control by planting the tree of the fear of I the Lord in their hearts. He should make the genuine men of God or prophets his bosom friends, then I will heal his mark, I will elevate his glory and his children will receive favor from Me.


Unity among the Kings


Thus says the Lord: Tell all these kings to be united; it is when they are united that the country and their domains will thrive and progress. Son of man, send this messages to all the kings in Kwara State, in Oshogbo, Akure, in Kogi State, Akwa Ibom, in Portharcourt, in Warri, in Ore and so on. Tell them that I the Lord says even those kings in Epe, in Shagamu, in Ijebu Igbo, in Badagry,Oba Ekiti, Oba Ikare, including all the kings in Yoruba Land. I send this message to them, to elevate I the Lord more than everything in the world and honor I the Lord more than idols/deities. They should honor Me more than everything in the world. They should permit My pastors/prophets to be their advisers in their governments. If they do this, their governments will be as bright as the Sun and the glory of their governments will never sink into the ground, says the Lord of hosts.


Thus says the Lord: I will make their governments to prosper and multiply. These kings should permit Christianity to thrive in their domain. It is then that the glory of their governments will be shining throughout the world. Son of man, the reason for these sentences is because tribal war is coming. This is the reason that I send this message to the kings to be united. My messenger, tribal war is coming.


The Monarchs, Emirs and Kings in Nigeria:


Thus says the Lord: Tell the monarchs/kings that it is My desire that install them in their exalted positions, and I am happy, that is why I installed them as Monarchs/kings. Behold, whatever anyone achieved in this world has been written about such person, and it is not through human’s wisdom. I elected them as monarchs/kings and that was the reason that I said that I do not want a surprise attacks to spring up in their governments.


Thus says the Lord of hosts: I want these people to mover closer to I the Lord, so that the secrets of the hosts of hell will be exposed to them. They should remember that I the Lord, the eternal God, who wears the golden crown is the eternal King. I AM the King who installs kings, I AM the King who dethrones kings and I AM the One who receives the prostration of kings in this world.


Thus says the Lord: Tell them it is power that I am using to install king in position, and it is neither human wisdom nor power. Those that have been on the throne since sometime, it is My desire to spare/preserve their lives, because of their acts and conducts. My hand is performing powerful work every time.


Tribal war and bloodshed:


Thus says the Lord: It is a pity My messenger, if I open your spiritual eyes and you see the blood of countless people, you will be fearful. Behold, bloodshed is coming, so cry out for the kings to be united at this period; so that the illegitimate children will not penetrate their midst, and scatter their governments. Behold, this illegitimate children are already in all the suburbs of every location where these kings are ruling. The kings should bring forth the fruit of togetherness or unity.


Thus says the Lord: People should raise up prayers for these kings (or their governments) for them to have victory over these illegitimate children who are already in hiding in order to commit nefarious activities, and ruin their government.


Thus says the Lord: Behold, My messenger, Year 2020, if I open your spiritual eye, you will be weeping from morning until night. I have told you what will happen in Year 2020 yesterday, but My messenger, the tribal war is coming and the religious war will follow.


The looming crisis and people in position of authority:


Thus says the Lord: Inform all the people in position of authority. I have sent messages to them yesterday. Tell them to change and turn to Me. I am moved to tears My messenger. I am moved to tears My messenger. The bloodshed of the beloved is so much. Raise up the voices of supplication, so that this evil plan will be curtailed. I will not permit the desires of enemies to materialize; because the looming crisis will bursts as from January until May Year 2020.


The Yorubas and Igbos must think deeply


Thus says the Lord of hosts: The Yorubas and Igbos should think deeply at this present moment. It is not because of today, but because of the future of their children. Certain plans are on-going and various events are occurring in secret. I the Lord will expose everything in Year 2020. I will remove the smoke screen and make things to be clearer.


The Monarchs, Emirs and Kings beware of civil war


Thus says the Lord: Send messages to the monarchs in Sokoto, in Benue, and those in Kano that I want My fear in their hearts, and the hearts of their subjects. All the cities/towns that have a ruler/king, the inhabitants of such locations usually heed the voice of their ruler/king, and if they blow the trumpet, people will follow their orders. Remember that in those days in the Bible when Moab, Syria and Ammon came to attack My people. The spiritual generation of Moab and Ammon are coming in 2020.


Thus says the Lord: Year 2020 is very powerful and the spiritual generations the Moab and Ammon are the people that I called the illegitimate children, who came to collect the land/space which dose not belong to them by force.


Thus says the Lord: The monarchs/emirs/kings should find the genuine prophets and make them their bosom friends during this period, says the Lord. It is a prophet who directed the activities that gave the people of God victory over Moab and Ammon. The victory happened because the king listened to the advice of the prophet. Do not forget the message sent from Samuel to King Saul. There was a king in the Bible whose name is Ahab that messages was sent to him through the prophet.


Monarchs and rulers wake up from slumber


Thus says the Lord of hosts: The kings and the rulers should wake up from their slumber and pray. Son of man, weeping will be widespread in Year 2020, but cry out and disperse this message.


The prophets must work in 2020 (invasion of foreign religion)


Thus says the Lord: The work of the prophets starts in Year 2020. I do not want Nigeria to be empty. I cry aloud. Do not give chance to foreign religion which can invert this Nation. Some of these illegitimate people want to come into the cities/towns, so write down this period.


Intention of countries to export foreign religion to Nigeria


Thus says the Lord of hosts: These five countries namely: Mali, Chad, Niger, Egypt and Saudi Arabia will try to invade the country. Nigerians hear Me, seek the power of I the Lord, and honor Me more than anything. Nigerians should pray against the entry point of these illegitimate children that can hurt/harm Nigeria including those from China that can hurt/harm Nigeria. Tell Me to arise because of the beloved and conquer them.


Countries that intend to control Nigeria


Thus says the Lord: These countries will take control of the government of Nigeria if you are not prepared, so pray fervently. The countries are the followings: China, the Arab countries, Thailand, Mali, Niger. Pray fervently concerning Nigeria, for I the Lord to destroy secret plots/schemes. Tell Me to thwart and nullify the satanic plan against Nigeria. Pray to Me to assist those that are worthy in the government.


Law that will impart/affect Christianity:


Thus says the Lord: Pray, pray so that it will not be a situation that the law which they enacted in Egypt, Senegal, in Mali, in Chad and in Niger will spread to Nigeria in Year 2020. This law will not affect the (Muslims) Islamic religion very much, but some of them will be hurt.


Thus says the Lord of hosts: My messenger, cry out because Nigeria needs the spiritual touching of My hand and the power of I the Lord. I the Lord will arise in the covenant which I had with your forefathers and I will pass through the Nation. I will rescue/deliver this country from the covenant that wastes human blood in Year 2020.


Christians should wake up from slumbering:


Thus says the Lord: Tell all the Christians to wake up from their spiritual slumber and pray fervently. Inform them to raise up prayer for Year 2020 concerning the cry of the beloved and bloodshed. Tell them to pray fervently for the country Nigeria. The cry is so much, My messenger so that what happened in 1963, and 1965, and 1967 through 1969 will not repeat itself.


Thus says the Lord: They should pray fervently concerning these upcoming events.


Pray to God and send Him on an errand:


Thus says the Lord of hosts: Pray to Me, to tear and destroy secret files concerning this disastrous operation. Send Me on an errand you people of this nation. Cry out and pray that gracious God Almighty should arise from His throne, and destroy every meaningless unity in Nigeria; and cancel them forever. If this looming crisis bursts, it will have a widespread effect on the nation.


Thus says the Lord: My messenger, pray fervently in Nigeria. Though I love Nigeria, so people should not forget that unity and peace is the motto of the country.


Thus says the Lord: All the people in position of authority and all the kings/monarchs should make efforts for peace to reign in their domains, because of the motto which says “Unity and peace”.


Christian Association of Nigeria: Prayer for the Nation and Christianity:


Thus says the Lord of hosts: Tell the CAN to raise up prayer fervently starting from January until April 2020 without ceasing.


Thus says the Lord: If they do not see the sign or example of what is in this message, then I the Lord is not the one who send this message. They should pray fervently so that Christianity will not be pushed aside and become impotent or inessential. If Christians do not pray because of their future descendants, it will happen; so cry out and pray fervently. Tell the Lord to arise and pass through Nigeria, and do not allow anything that can hide Your religion in bondage to serve in the spiritual land of Egypt, and be under the spiritual Egyptians.


Thus says the Lord: Pray fervently concerning this issue; I cry out My messenger, so, therefore you too cry out My messenger, cry out, cry out, cry out My messenger.


The Governors:


Thus says the Lord of hosts: I want My fear to be entrenched in the lives of the governors and they should not allow power that can ruin/sell the country to prosper, including whatever that can harm/hurt the country in the future.


Nigeria should learn wisdom from God:


Thus says the Lord: Son of man, Nigeria should learn wisdom from I the Lord. Nigerians should observe countries that are smaller than their nation. Rwanda passed through a lot, but today the glory of Rwanda has risen. Ghana’s glory has risen. If they observe these countries, they are very small compare to Nigeria, but their glories have risen. They should observe a no-nonsense Nation called Zambia, examine what is presently happening in her governance. What about Nigeria? She is larger than all these countries, Nigeria is wise when it comes to religion, because that was from where I called the brave and great pastors/prophets that are famous around the four corners of the world that people honors. Cry out!


The big pastors/prophets:


Thus says the Lord of hosts: All the big pastors/prophets should wake up from their slumber. My messenger, the priests in charge of Catholic Church should wake up presently, and they should seek My fear, and put on My fear, and raise up prayer. The priest in charge of Methodist Church, and the one in charge of Anglican Church should pray fervently.


Thus says the Lord: Messenger, cry out to Apostolic Church and Deeper Life Ministry.


Pastor Kumuyi of Deeper life:


Thus says the Lord: Tell Kumuyi that I send message to him the second time. Concerning the five things which I asked him to do; he did only two and left the remaining three undone.


Thus says the Lord of hosts: Inform him to present the truthful word/message before the people. Whatever that you plant today shall become history tomorrow. Always remember that you are coming into the presence of I the Lord. Whatever that you have done will stand as the judgment thing/item at the end of your life. Therefore, he should raise up prayer for Nigeria.


Bishop Oyedepo:


Thus says the Lord of hosts: He should cry out to I the Lord during this time and period. If he has contrary things, he should change immediately. I want My fear in the hearts of everyone presently.


Pastor Adeboye:


Thus says the Lord of hosts: I have sent messages to him previously, but inform him again; this time and hour is not for rest. Inform him to cry out concerning the situation in Nigeria.


Pastor Daniel Olukoya:


Thus says the Lord of hosts: This is not the time to sleep; it is not the time for buying or selling. Inform him to pray concerning Nigeria. He should join other pastors/prophets to cry out concerning the situation.


PFN and CAN Presidents:


Thus says the Lord of hosts: Inform them to cry out and pray fervently to I the Lord of hosts, to quickly intervene in the situation of the country.


All Christian Associations:


Thus says the Lord: I send this message to them and all those who are pastors/prophets, tell them to cry out. Those who called themselves Christians brigade and the Muslim Association of Nigeria, tell them to raise the voice of prayers, it is not because of today, but because of future and their descendants. When this disaster starts, My messenger, you will not be able to come home from America.


The media:


Thus says the Lord of hosts: Inform all the news reporters to wake up from their slumber and disseminate information to the public at large, concerning the aforementioned issues that are affecting Nigeria and the looming crisis.


Thus says the Lord: Tell them these messages so that they will change and turn to I the Lord. I am ready to elevate the glory of Nigeria more than in the past.


Thus says the Lord of hosts: My messenger, can you deliver these messages because Nigeria dislikes the truth and anyone who tells the truth will be arrested according to the law of Nigeria.


Judgment will come upon the stubborn:


Thus says the Lord: All those who refuse to change and turn to Me, those who failed to take rectification steps; those who refuse to cry out, or refuse to amend their ways and conducts; then the hand of judgment of I the Lord will come upon them in Year 2020, says the Lord of hosts. I will not spare any of them because the hand of My judgment will pass through Nigeria says the Lord.


Thus says the Lord: Cry out that I do not want bloodshed. Son of man, I the Lord created the heights and the plains. I do not want the death of sinners but for sinners to repent and turn to Me. Peace be unto you.


Numbers 23: 19

“God is not a man, that He should lie, nor a son of man, that He should repent.
Has He said, and will He not do? Or has He spoken, and will He not make it good?